
Sleep better, with the help of astrology.


Sleep is a normal and easy thing for every being on the planet, but it has become a really hard task for people in modern society. People suffer from all kinds of sleep problems, and they just can't have a good sleep even if they try. Sleep products have become an exponentially growing market since COVID-19 as well.

This project is a long-term dedicated project that comprises every product development stage. From idea to research, to prototype, and to advertise. Every stage is carefully executed and will be explored in detail on this page. Combining with the knowledge of mystics, scientific statistics, and execution programming, this app gives useful suggestions to people and helps them grow.

The Origin

Sleep has been my number one enemy in this world. Since I was 6, i remember I woke up constantly at night and had some hard time falling asleep. The situation become more serious when I go to college. The sleep quality directly influence my productivity, mood and academic performance at school, and in many cases, it's just hard to get a good sleep. As I research all kinds of problems and solutions on the market, trying different tools and apps about sleep improvement, there is no single solution that can perfectly help me cope with different hard situations effectively. So I decided to make one my own.

The R&D

The image below contains all the developing information related to the project. It has four major areas. The user flow section, the function layout section, and the digital interface section. I'll demonstrate them by each part.

The interface

There are four major part of the interface, the rhythm, sleep, stats and solutions.
Each interface governs certain functions of the app and working together harmoniously to each the goal of getting the best sleep

User Persona

The userflow section allows you to understand how users might use the app and how it can bring you success.

User Jone

User Jone Jone is a 28-year-old working-class who has suffered from poor sleep recently. He has tried many tools but didn't work but saw the ads of Cosmirest and want to try it. He didn't remember his exact birth time, had no interest in astrology, and did not have a habit of sleep recording.

Once he finished the introduction, he start to use the daily activity checklist on the 1 rhythm manager page to do everything beneficial to his sleep during the day. As night approached, he clicked on the night ritual in the 2 sleep manager section. He checks all the ritual tasks and starts to activate the sleep monitor.

However, after shutting his eyes for 15 minutes, he still feels energetic and does not want to sleep. He feels anxious because he gotta get up at 8 am in the morning so only 6 hours for him to sleep. So he clicked the SOS button on the sleep monitor and was directed to the sleep SOS.

He tells the app that he feels energetic and kinda agitated and worries about his morning's presentation. Then, based on astrological influence, the app suggests that he needs to get up from bed do some of his presentations for about 30 minutes, and come back to sleep. He can also choose to do alternative things like do some yoga or play some video games as suggested, but he ends up choosing to fix his presentation. He continues to work for another 30 minutes as the app prescribed and adjusts many contents of his presentation. After 30 minutes, he does feel much more confident and relaxed, and he immediately falls asleep.

After waking up, he was directed to check all the morning ritual things that help him fully recover from the sluggish, sleepy mood and rate how he slept through the morning sleep review in the morning ritual sections. He ended up doing pretty well in his presentations and signed multiple

Throughout the day, he was reminded that he woke up at 7 am and slept 5h30min, which created his first sleep pattern. But he was supposed to sleep 7 hours every day as he intended, so he created 1h30min of sleep debt. As he goes through the day, he was reminded to do a 1h30min nap at the appropriate time that doesn't interfere with his sleep. He was too busy and didn't do it and felt pretty lethargic in the afternoon and night.So as night approached, he was reminded that he needs to go to bed at least one hour before last night to offset his sleep debts. If he did it, sleep debts canceled and he would feel much fresher the next day.

User 2 Emily

Emily is a 21-year-old quirky yet ambitious college student who wants to maximize her sleep quality. She has tried many sleep products on the market but didn't find them quite useful but is highly excited to try the Cosmicinsight that comes with astrology.She remembers her exact birth info and knows astrology pretty well. She also has many sleep data recorded in her apple health.

Once she finished the introduction, he start to use the daily activity checklist on the 1 rhythm manager page to do everything beneficial to his sleep during the day. She also saw his past sleep pattern&debts listed on the 1 rhythm manager page and was suggested she should go to bed at 23:08 tonight. Throughout the day, she can click on the 4 solution page to learn more about Indian astrology interactively and how it relates to her sleep. As night approached, he clicked on the nightly ritual in the 2 sleep manager section. She checks all the ritual tasks and starts to activate the sleep monitor for sleep. But she just feels restless after shutting her eyes for 20 minutes and she taps the SOS button on the sleep monitor for help. She notes that she feels quick-minded and thoughts are flying fast and don't feel the need to sleep. So the Cosmirest suggests that she should get up and do some readings for about 20 minutes.

She was intrigued by the suggestions and wanted to explore the reason why. So she taps the solution item to see the energy influences behind it. She also tap in specific energy to learn about its effect and clicks on the energy pattern to see the future energy forecast.She learned a lot from those knowledges and feel tired after 20 minutes. She knew that she was in the mercury hora and mars moon transit so she needs to exert some of her mental energy to get her body relaxed. After intense period of mercury passed, she can definitely sleep better now.

At the end

The app is still in an early phases. A lot of functions is still underdevelopment. Check the link here to figure out the full function of the app.




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