Investment of life

Today I realized that everything is an investment.

Every project I take is a probabilistic game that might or might not lead me to the goal.

The game is called asset allocation.

The goal of the game is called success, in our reality, aka enjoyment, recognition, fame, power, money, happiness, etc.

You have money, time, value, skills, energy, health background, certificate and all kinds of resources that might leads to the success.

All you need to do is to make the right decision.

Where you put your money, time and energy determine how probable you are likely to succeed.

The indication of the direction you might invest could be your biggest amount of resources, it could be your time, your talent or your parental resources.

It could be the market trend that could gifts most people great opportunities.

Everything comes with an opportunity cost, if you choose one you’ll definitely lose another.

So the key of the game is to make the right choice of asset allocation at different timeframe of your life.

The wiser you invest, the more likely you are gonna succeed.

You can choose to seek instant reward, winning big and fast, but statistically it more likely leads to failure.

You can choose to seek long-term holding, winning steadily and slow, but you might lose everything and end up getting nothing.

So do your research, make the right decisions, allocate the right resources, at the right time.

Be successful.


Master MHC Decisions


Astrology and career