My Astrology Journey

In junior high, I'm always not sure if I was a Gemini or Taurus cause I was born on May 21. Some say its taurus and some say its gemini.

In high school, not sure what major to study and what career to pursue. Learned tons of mystical subjects in order to find some clues.

In gap year, I dealt with mental struggles hard, and I want to learn more about astrology. I start to learn deeper about astrology. Learnt all the basics about house, sign, stars.


In freshman

I also started to learn more about Jyotish. I thought it was cool and might be more accurate than Western cause I found a lot of KRS videos while learning astrology, and he focuses on lords, nakshatras, and other aspects.

Start trying out different astrology apps and software.

Start to find the pattern between my moods and Jyotish transit patterns.

Start to do consulting in 2021.

Start to make more practice in 2022.

Start to make my service as a product in 2023.

In 2024, expand my service and start to make a side gig out of it.

In 2026, try to become professional.




MBTI and Astrology